Verizon music

Verizon music

Digital Graffiti

A music store from a wireless phone company? That should go over like a lead balloon. Unless of course, you’ve got Led Zeppelin. Digital Graffiti won Verizon a 6 month exclusive on Zeppelin’s remastered catalog.

This multi-media campaign leveraged much of the band’s most iconic imagery, including the famed double-neck guitar and violin bow, Swan Song’s Icarus, Zep 4’s man with sticks, and the actual brownstone used for the cover of Physical Graffiti.

A Royal Farewell

Verizon had a long and illustrious partnership with Prince – a relationship which made his loss even sadder, and saying goodbye that much harder.

Call Your Music

Verizon wanted to launch a music store. V-Cast was born. Fans could now get their favorite artist right on their phone.

Digital Graffiti

A music store from a wireless phone company? That should go over like a lead balloon. Unless of course, you’ve got Led Zeppelin. Digital Graffiti won Verizon a 6 month exclusive on Zeppelin’s remastered catalog.

This multi-media campaign leveraged much of the band’s most iconic imagery, including the famed double-neck guitar and violin bow, Swan Song’s Icarus, Zep 4’s man with sticks, and the actual brownstone used for the cover of Physical Graffiti.

A Royal Farewell

Verizon had a long and illustrious partnership with Prince – a relationship which made his loss even sadder, and saying goodbye that much harder.

Call Your Music

Verizon wanted to launch a music store. V-Cast was born. Fans could now get their favorite artist right on their phone.